Monday, April 18, 2011

Fashion Homework

Good day Darlins!
I know I've been kinda M.I.A. on my blog lately, only because once again I had fallen into a pitty-party. Yes, just one of those moments in my life where I am just over worked, tired and feeling like I'm just going around in circles.  When in truth, everyday I come closer to more accomplishments in my life that I would have never dreamed of.  I am now on what I  CALL a new career/business path.  No, I am not walking away from the fashion industry, that would be like a fish without water.  Instead, I am simply swimming to a new beat.  A new goal and new direction for my company, in which I will share with you in due time.

For now, I'd love to share with you what I call Fashion Homework.  Way back when before the ever so fabulous world of Blogging, fashion magazines were your go to for everything fashion and style.  So when I was a  kid, I started what I called "ripping".  In which, I would rip out my favorite styles, editorials, photos and more from fashion magazines and save them in scrap books or folders.  Today, my fashion homework consist of "ripping", blog reading and entertainment watching.  One MUST always continue to do their homework in what ever field they're in. Learning, is truly endless.

Fashion Homework

Although time consuming (like all homework), these books are worth a million.  Don't forget to check out these great fashion bloggers for YOUR fashion homework, under my "Blogs I love" ------ >

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